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National Council of Social Service

Singapore, Central Singapore

We are the umbrella body for some 450 member VWOs in Singapore. Our mission is to provide leadership and direction in social services, to enhance the capabilities of social service organisations, and to provide strategic partnerships for social services. Since 1992, we have taken over the functions of the former Singapore Council of Social Service (SCSS) and Community Chest of Singapore.

Before 1958, social services were hampered by the lack of proper coordination and support. The Singapore Council of Social Service (SCSS) was established on 22 Dec 1958 to meet the urgent needs of the sector and to bring together organisations and individuals with interest in community service and social welfare.

In 1983, Community Chest was established as a centralised fund-raiser to relieve Voluntary Welfare Organisations (VWOs) of the need to carry out fund-raising activities so ... Czytaj dalej

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